sorry if this isnt readable also vent warning
So I got rejected by my crush today after 6 days of us getting know each other and she apparently did this at the end of our last FaceTime call (which is a stupid fucking idea) on I’m pretty sure monday where the end of which was at 12am (which makes her planning to say this then even stupider) and we were talking for about 6 hours and implied from her texts after I said I don’t remember when she said she wasn’t interested and I’m lead to think that she intended on saying it but didn’t but thinks she said it and was wondering why I was still walking to class with her n shit like that while idk why she’s acting quiet towards me and on Tuesday she was doing some lip reading shit to me from across the lunchroom and saying (according to my friend) “I hate you” or some shit like that and I go to her and ask her what the fuck and she was telling me to go away (I was still oblivious then) which I thought was some joke she was doing but today after school she messaged me the previously mentioned message where I found out she didn’t like me
Damn that sucks man.. I feel ya. Keep your head up high king, she didn't deserve someone as great as you